Printed carrier bags are one of the most important pieces of branded point of sale at any event but they can sometimes be overlooked. Producing a high quality printed carrier bag for your event can set you apart from the other exhibitors and not only encourage the people visiting your stand to use your product or service but they in turn will then become walking advertisements as they make their way around the event.
One of the most popular choices of bag for corporate events is the rope handle paper carrier bags which offer durability and a luxury finish, they are litho printed, are made from a high quality coated board and hand finished to a very high standard.
Depending on your product or service you may also want to consider using an eco friendly cotton bag, these have the advantage of being very strong and will more than likely be used again outside of the event, giving you even more exposure.
As an exhibitor whichever type or style of bag you use make sure you have a clear message and design that really stands out.
If you are the organizer of that event you can also generate revenue by offering the exhibitors the chance to advertise on one of the sides of the bag that you can give to every visitor attending the event as they arrive. This can be a very effective strategy for the exhibitors and give them a real opportunity for their marketing message to be seen by all the attendees.